Methods invocation inside of a Java Virtual Machine

Java Virtual Machine (JVM) is an abstract virtual machine that executes Java bytecode. JVM has a number of implementations, the most popular being HotSpot JVM, which will be used as an example of the implementation throughout the article. Initially, JVM was designed at Sun Microsystems to execute Java programs. Despite... [Read More]
Tags: JVM

From Imperative To Reactive Part II

This is a follow up of my previous article about reactive programming. That article describes a step by step approach of converting a static binary tree in a stream of events. However, only API had reactive nature. This article illustrates one of the ways how can we refactor imperative implementation... [Read More]
Tags: Java Reactive TDD

From Imperative To Reactive Part I

Many projects have been written in an imperative style. That’s fine when the end-to-end flow of your application is sequential. However, it becomes incredibly complex if you introduce parallel or concurrent programming in your application. Your application must handle many users requests, thus you start making your code parallel and... [Read More]
Tags: Java Reactive TDD