If you are smart, you understand new things fast. When you are wise, you apply your new knowledge on a day to day stuff. If you feel that you know a lot about your daily job, try to read something different but from a related field. The software industry is...
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JVM class file format
I received Java Virtual Machine Specification approximately a week ago. I had been waiting for it three weeks that is why I started to read it immediately. Reading the other chapter of the specification, I realized that I start to understand how and why JVM works in such a way....
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Stack kata. TL;DR
I look at the tests in two ways. On one hand, they are experiments. If I write a test for my program that use some third-party libraries or frameworks, I expect to see some results. They can be valid or not. These kind of tests are experiments. I write the...
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Bowling Game Code Kata. TL;DR
By doing this exercise we implement functionality to count a score of a pin bowling game
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A mixture of Rust and Test Driven Development
In my blog, I intend to outline how to practice Test Driver Development (TDD) in Rust. Future posts will contain step by step guidance of process how to write tests first and make teeny-tiny steps to implement missed functionality with simple exercises.
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