It has been for more than a month that I wrote any technical article in my blog. However, one thought hit me a few weeks ago to write an article about a data structure - persistent list. Of course approaching test driven development, could not be the other way. I hope it will not be in too functional style, and people who do not think that way will be comfortable with its content. Let’s get started.

Setup development environment

I will use scala build tool(sbt for short) for running tests. You need to download and install sbt for working throughout this article (if you are willing to do so). I configured the following project layout.

    |   |
    |   +-main/
    |   |   |
    |   |   +-scala/
    |   |       |
    |   |       +-PersistentList.scala
    |   |
    |   +-test/
    |   |   |
    |   |   +-scala/
    |   |       |
    |   |       +-PersistentListTest.scala
    |   |
    |   +-project/
    |       |

If you are Java developer you should be familiar with such project structure, it is similar to maven. The main configuration file is build.sbt. It contains a description of the project structure, a list of dependencies and other declarations how to build, run and test your project. My build.sbt has the following content.

name := "scala-data-structures"
version := "1.0"

lazy val root = Project("scala-data-structures", file("."))

lazy val persistent_list ="persistent-list"))
        scalaVersion := "2.12.1",
        libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
            "org.scalatest" %% "scalatest" % "3.0.1" % "test"

        scalacOptions ++= Seq("-deprecation", "-feature")

You may see that it has attributes such as name, version and root (where is the source of the project locates). I also include a declaration of persistent_list sub-project and add it to the root project via aggregate(). For testing, I will use scalatest; it is a very reach and robust library for testing Scala code. is the other configuration file for sbt. It contains the only one line sbt.version=0.13.13. This line serves for sbt to know that developer is using right version to work with your project. If other developers want to work on your project and sbt has already been installed then it checks that its version is the same, if not it will download and use specified version.

The last thing that we need to do is to check that our environment configured correctly. Add the following test to src/test/scala/PersistentListTest.scala

import org.scalatest.FlatSpec

class PersistentListTest extends FlatSpec {

    it should "run an empty test" in {


Then run sbt command in your terminal. sbt loads and updates your project after that type test sub-command.

$ sbt
[info] Loading project definition from /Users/alex-diez/Projects/scala-data-structures/project
[info] Set current project to scala-data-structures (in build file:/Users/alex-diez/Projects/scala-data-structures/)
> test
[info] Updating {file:/Users/alex-diez/Projects/scala-data-structures/}persistent_list...
[info] Updating {file:/Users/alex-diez/Projects/scala-data-structures/}scala-data-structures...
[info] Resolving jline#jline;2.14.1 ...
[info] Done updating.
[info] Resolving org.fusesource.jansi#jansi;1.4 ...
[info] Done updating.
[info] Compiling 1 Scala source to /Users/alex-diez/Projects/scala-data-structures/persistent-list/target/scala-2.12/test-classes...
[info] PersistentListTest:
[info] - should run an empty test
[info] Run completed in 316 milliseconds.
[info] Total number of tests run: 1
[info] Suites: completed 1, aborted 0
[info] Tests: succeeded 1, failed 0, canceled 0, ignored 0, pending 0
[info] All tests passed.
[success] Total time: 5 s, completed May 16, 2017 9:36:36 PM

Now we can move on with development of our functionally persistent list.

Create an empty list

If you have read my previous articles about test driven development approach, then nothing has changed. The first test must be the simplest one, and nothing is more elementary than the creation of an empty list. Remove should run an empty test test and add the following one.

import org.scalatest.{FlatSpec, Matchers}

class PersistentListTest extends FlatSpec with Matchers {

    it should "create an empty list" in {
        new PersistentList().toString() shouldBe "[]"

I could introduce isEmpty method on the PersistentList. However, using toString is much better for understanding what elements the list contains and in which order

Matchers is the Trait that has lots of methods for more DSL(domain specific language) a-like assertions. Indeed, we can every time run test command in sbt console. However, sbt provides superior functionality that will run tests each time when you change and save your test or source code file. To do so run ~test command in sbt console.

> ~test
[info] Compiling 1 Scala source to /Users/alex-diez/Projects/scala-data-structures/persistent-list/target/scala-2.12/test-classes...
not found: type PersistentList
[error]         new PersistentList().toString() shouldBe "[]"
[error]             ^
[error] one error found
[error] (persistent_list/test:compileIncremental) Compilation failed
[error] Total time: 0 s, completed May 16, 2017 9:52:41 PM
1. Waiting for source changes... (press enter to interrupt)

Yeah, got an error. Let’s declare PersistentList class in src/main/scala/PersistentList.scala file and save it to check that test will be run automatically.

class PersistentList {
[info] Compiling 1 Scala source to /Users/alex-diez/Projects/scala-data-structures/persistent-list/target/scala-2.12/classes...
[info] PersistentListTest:
[info] - should create an empty list *** FAILED ***
[info]   "[PersistentList@640de9f1]" was not equal to "[[]]" (PersistentListTest.scala:6)
[info] Run completed in 425 milliseconds.
[info] Total number of tests run: 1
[info] Suites: completed 1, aborted 0
[info] Tests: succeeded 0, failed 1, canceled 0, ignored 0, pending 0
[info] *** 1 TEST FAILED ***
[error] Failed tests:
[error]   PersistentListTest
[error] (persistent_list/test:test) sbt.TestsFailedException: Tests unsuccessful
[error] Total time: 1 s, completed May 16, 2017 9:54:25 PM

Great! Our test failed because Java Object’s toString implementation was used. Fix the test by overriding toString method that returns "[]" String.

class PersistentList {
    override def toString: String = "[]"
[info] PersistentListTest:
[info] - should create an empty list
[info] Run completed in 213 milliseconds.
[info] Total number of tests run: 1
[info] Suites: completed 1, aborted 0
[info] Tests: succeeded 1, failed 0, canceled 0, ignored 0, pending 0
[info] All tests passed.

Cool! May go on.

Prepend an item to a list

To be able to create an empty list, of course, is very cool. However, we can’t take anything useful from this functionality. Let’s add :: method to our list that prepend an item to it.

it should "prepend an item to a list" in {
    var list = new PersistentList()
    list = 10 :: list

    list.toString() shouldBe "[10]"
value :: is not a member of PersistentList
[error]         list = 10 :: list
[error]                   ^
[error] one error found

The compiler tells us that it can’t find :: method on our PersistentList, let’s implement it. It will take Int type argument and return PersistentList. But why? :thinking:. Persistent data structures always should be immutable; they have to save their previous historical view. Thus, :: should return a list that contains elements of the previous list and one more element. At first, let’s make the compiler happy and return this from ::.

class PersistentList {
    def ::(item: Int): PersistentList = this
    override def toString: String = "[]"
[info] PersistentListTest:
[info] - should create an empty list
[info] - should prepend an item to a list *** FAILED ***
[info]   "[[]]" was not equal to "[[10]]" (PersistentListTest.scala:13)

To fix this test create new PersistentList with head field bind to item parameter.

class PersistentList(val head: Int) {
    def this() = {

    def ::(item: Int): PersistentList = new PersistentList(item)

    override def toString: String = {
        if (head == 0) { "[]" } else { s"[$head]" }
[info] PersistentListTest:
[info] - should create an empty list
[info] - should prepend an item to a list

Green! Pass! Great! This is a little bit imperative. To make it more functional we need to rewrite it using case classes, case objectes and sealed traits.

sealed trait PersistentList {
    def ::(item: Int): PersistentList

object PersistentList {
    def apply(): PersistentList = Empty

    private case object Empty extends PersistentList {
        override def ::(item: Int): PersistentList = Cons(item)
        override def toString(): String = "[]"

    private case class Cons(head: Int) extends PersistentList {
        override def ::(item: Int): PersistentList = Cons(item)
        override def toString(): String = s"[$head]"

Empty is the case object; thus it can be the only one empty list in a whole universe. Cons is the case class represents a list that holds items. Both Empty and Cons extends PersistentList trait which defines the :: method. Also, I wrote companion object with the same name PersistentList and defined apply method.

Notice that :: in Empty and Cons are overridden

Thanks to that Scala allows method implementations in traits, therefore, move :: to PersistentList because Empty and Cons have the same implementation.

sealed trait PersistentList {
    import PersistentList.Cons

    def ::(item: Int): PersistentList = Cons(item)

object PersistentList {
    def apply(): PersistentList = Empty

    private case object Empty extends PersistentList {
        override def toString(): String = "[]"

    private case class Cons(head: Int) extends PersistentList {
        override def toString(): String = s"[$head]"

Because PersistentList is a trait now tests must be changed also. Using properties of persistent data structures define val emptyList in test class.

class PersistentListTest extends FlatSpec with Matchers {

    val emptyList = PersistentList();

    it should "create an empty list" in {
        emptyList.toString() shouldBe "[]"

    it should "prepend an item to a list" in {
        (10 :: emptyList).toString() shouldBe "[10]"

Prepend many items to a list

The next step is to implement functionality to create a list that can hold more than one item.

it should "prepend many items to a list" in {
    (30 :: 20 :: 10 :: emptyList).toString() shouldBe "[30, 20, 10]"
[info] PersistentListTest:
[info] - should create an empty list
[info] - should prepend an item to a list
[info] - should prepend many items to a list *** FAILED ***
[info]   "[30[]]" was not equal to "[30[, 20, 10]]" (PersistentListTest.scala:16)

Since this is a list we need somehow save reference to previous element in the list. Thus add tail parameter to Cons and change :: method, also change toString in Cons.

sealed trait PersistentList {
    import PersistentList.Cons

    def ::(item: Int): PersistentList = Cons(item, this)

object PersistentList {
    def apply(): PersistentList = Empty

    private case object Empty extends PersistentList {
        override def toString(): String = "[]"

    private case class Cons(head: Int, tail: PersistentList) extends PersistentList {
        override def toString(): String = {
            var list = this
            val builder = new StringBuilder()
            while (list.tail != Empty) {
                builder.append(", ")
                list = list.tail.asInstanceOf[Cons]
[info] PersistentListTest:
[info] - should create an empty list
[info] - should prepend an item to a list
[info] - should prepend many items to a list

Again, toString implementation is in imperative style; in addition to this we have an ugly cast using asInstanceOf. To make it looks functional we need to use pattern matching; it is easier to do with nested function.

sealed trait PersistentList {
    import PersistentList.Cons

    def ::(item: Int): PersistentList = Cons(item, this)

object PersistentList {
    def apply(): PersistentList = Empty

    private case object Empty extends PersistentList {
        override def toString(): String = "[]"

    private case class Cons(head: Int, tail: PersistentList) extends PersistentList {
        override def toString(): String = {
            import scala.annotation.tailrec

            def loop(builder: StringBuilder, list: PersistentList): String = {
                list match {
                    case Cons(head, tail) =>
                        if (builder.nonEmpty) builder.append(", ")
                        loop(builder.append(head), tail)
                    case Empty => builder.toString

            "[" + loop(new StringBuilder(), this) + "]"

By the way, we can make our code shorter by moving nested function from Cons toString to PersistentList trait.

sealed trait PersistentList {
    import PersistentList._
    import scala.annotation.tailrec

    def ::(item: Int): PersistentList = Cons(item, this)

    override def toString(): String = {
        def loop(builder: StringBuilder, list: PersistentList[E]): String = list match {
            case Cons(head, tail) =>
                if (builder.nonEmpty) builder.append(", ")
                loop(builder.append(head), tail)
            case Empty => builder.toString

        "[" + loop(new StringBuilder(), this) + "]"

object PersistentList {
    def apply(): PersistentList = Empty

    private case object Empty extends PersistentList

    private case class Cons(head: Int, tail: PersistentList) extends PersistentList

I put @tailrec annotation on nested loop function; I will write about it little bit latter.

Head and tail

Head and tail are properties of the persistent list. Head is the first item in the list, on the other side, tail is the list that contains all other items (except the first one).

"None" should "be head of persistent list" in {
    emptyList.head shouldBe None
[error]         emptyList.head shouldBe None
[error]                   ^
[error] one error found

Let’s define head property for the PersistentList trait.

sealed trait PersistentList {
    def head: Option[Int]

object PersistentList {
    def apply(): PersistentList = Empty

    private case object Empty extends PersistentList {
        override def head: Option[Int] = None

    private case class Cons(head: Int, tail: PersistentList) extends PersistentList {
        override def head: Option[Int] = ???
[error]   the conflicting value head was defined at line 32:29
[error]         override def head: Option[Int] = ???
[error]                      ^

To fix this rename Cons head parameter to item.

[info] PersistentListTest:
[info] - should create an empty list
[info] - should prepend an item to a list
[info] - should prepend many items to a list
[info] None
[info] - should be head of empty list
"Some(30)" should "be head of nonempty list" in {
     (30 :: 20 :: 10 :: emptyList).head shouldBe Some(30)
[info] Some(30)
[info] - should be head of nonempty list *** FAILED ***
[info]   scala.NotImplementedError: an implementation is missing

The implementation of head for Cons is straightforward - just return Some(item)

private case class Cons(item: Int, tail: PersistentList) extends PersistentList {
    override def head: Option[Int] = Some(item)
[info] Some(30)
[info] - should be head of nonempty list

Let’s define filed nonemptyList in PersistentListTest with value of 30 :: 20 :: 10 :: emptyList and refactor our tests

class PersistentListTest extends FlatSpec with Matchers {

    val emptyList = PersistentList();
    val nonemptyList = 30 :: 20 :: 10 :: emptyList

    it should "create an empty list" in {
        emptyList.toString() shouldBe "[]"

    it should "prepend an item to a list" in {
        (10 :: emptyList).toString() shouldBe "[10]"

    it should "prepend many items to a list" in {
        nonemptyList.toString() shouldBe "[30, 20, 10]"

    "None" should "be head of empty list" in {
        emptyList.head shouldBe None

    "Some(30)" should "be head of nonempty list" in {
        nonemptyList.head shouldBe Some(30)

Check that test of tail for nonempty list is passed

"tail of nonempty list" should "contain all items except the first one" in {
    nonemptyList.tail.toString shouldBe "[20, 10]"
value tail is not a member of PersistentList
[error]         nonemptyList.tail.toString shouldBe "[20, 10]"
[error]                      ^

agh… need to define the method, don’t forget to do it in the Empty object too.

sealed trait PersistentList {
    def tail: PersistentList

    private case object Empty extends PersistentList {
        override def head: Option[Int] = None

        override def tail: PersistentList = ???
[info] tail of nonempty list
[info] - should contain all items except the first one

Tail of the Empty has left to implement. Indeed, the Empty list does not have a tail; thus, it can be only the other Empty list.

    "tail of empty list" should "be the empty list" in {
        emptyList.tail.toString shouldBe "[]"
    private case object Empty extends PersistentList {
        override def head: Option[Int] = None

        override def tail: PersistentList = Empty
[info] tail of empty list
[info] - should be the empty list

Lists concatenation

If we can prepend an item to a list, then we should be able to prepend another list to the list. Let’s start with two empty lists.

"Result list" should "be an empty list when two empty lists concatenated" in {
    (emptyList ++ emptyList).toString shouldBe "[]"
value ++ is not a member of PersistentList
[error]         (emptyList ++ emptyList).toString shouldBe "[]"
[error]                    ^

Define ++ method with Empty as return value in PersistentList trait.

def ++(other: PersistentList): PersistentList = Empty
[info] Result list
[info] - should be an empty list when two empty lists concatenated

The next case when one of the lists is nonempty.

it should "be the nonempty list when nonempty and empty list are concatenated" in {
    (nonemptyList ++ emptyList).toString shouldBe "[30, 20, 10]"
    (emptyList ++ nonemptyList).toString shouldBe "[30, 20, 10]"
[info] - should be the nonempty list when nonempty and empty list are concatenated *** FAILED ***
[info]   "[[]]" was not equal to "[[30, 20, 10]]" (PersistentListTest.scala:41)

To fix this up we need to check that this list is not Empty and return it, otherwise other.

def ++(other: PersistentList): PersistentList = {
    if (this != Empty) this
    else other
[info] Result list
[info] - should be an empty list when two empty lists are concatenated
[info] - should be the nonempty list when nonempty and empty list are concatenated

The last case is when we concatenate two nonempty lists.

it should "contain items of both nonempty lists" in {
    val listOne = 30 :: 20 :: 10 :: emptyList
    val listTwo = 60 :: 50 :: 40 :: emptyList

    (listOne ++ listTwo).toString shouldBe "[30, 20, 10, 60, 50, 40]"
    (listTwo ++ listOne).toString shouldBe "[60, 50, 40, 30, 20, 10]"
[info] Result list
[info] - should be an empty list when two empty lists are concatenated
[info] - should be the nonempty list when nonempty and empty list are concatenated
[info] - should contain items of both nonempty lists *** FAILED ***
[info]   "[30, 20, 10[]]" was not equal to "[30, 20, 10[, 60, 50, 40]]" (PersistentListTest.scala:49)

This will be tough for those who are not familiar with functional programming. However, if we have a nonempty list we need to prepend its head to a list that is the result of concatenation of its tail and the other list. Sounds creepy, but if you write it in Scala code instead of english you should have similar to:

def ++(other: PersistentList): PersistentList = this match {
    case Cons(head, tail) => head :: (tail ++ other)
    case Empty => other
[info] Result list
[info] - should be an empty list when two empty lists are concatenated
[info] - should be the nonempty list when nonempty and empty list are concatenated
[info] - should contain items of both nonempty lists


Drop needless things

Sometimes it is useful to drop few first items from the list or have a list that was few :: operation before. Again, the simplest case is when you drop from the Empty list - would be cut nothing.

"Empty list" should "drop nothing" in {
    emptyList.drop(10).toString shouldBe "[]"
value drop is not a member of PersistentList
[error]         emptyList.drop(10).toString shouldBe "[]"

Implementation is trivial. Just return Empty.

def drop(n: Int): PersistentList = Empty
[info] Empty list
[info] - should drop nothing

What if I drop 0 items from the list or -1? Of course, it would be the same list.

"Nonempty list" should "drop nothing" in {
    nonemptyList.drop(0).toString shouldBe "[30, 20, 10]"
    nonemptyList.drop(-1).toString shouldBe "[30, 20, 10]"
[info] Nonempty list
[info] - should drop nothing *** FAILED ***
[info]   "[[]]" was not equal to "[[30, 20, 10]]" (PersistentListTest.scala:58)

Again, the fix is just trivial - return this instead of Empty

def drop(n: Int): PersistentList = this
[info] Nonempty list
[info] - should drop nothing

The last case is to drop specified number of items from a nonempty list.

it should "drop two items" in {
    nonemptyList.drop(2).toString shouldBe "[10]"
[info] Nonempty list
[info] - should drop nothing
[info] - should drop two items *** FAILED ***
[info]   "[[30, 20, ]10]" was not equal to "[[]10]" (PersistentListTest.scala:63)

Let’s have a look how drop operation looks like. [30, 20, 10].drop(2) is the same as [20, 10].drop(1) and [20, 10].drop(1) is the same as [10].drop(0). Thus aList.drop(2) is the same as aList.tail.drop(1) and aList.tail.drop(1) is the same as aList.tail.tail.drop(0).

|  head  |           tail          |      |  head  |      tail      |    |  head  |  tail |
+--------+--------+--------+-------+      +--------+--------+-------+    +--------+-------+
|   30   |   20   |   10   | empty |  =>  |   20   |   10   | empty | => |   10   | empty |
+--------+--------+--------+-------+      +--------+--------+-------+    +--------+-------+
  n == 2                                     n == 1                        n == 0

In words, we need to call drop on the list’s tail with decremented n parameter until n is greater than 0; in Scala:

def drop(n: Int): PersistentList = this match {
    case Cons(_, tail) if n > 0 => tail.drop(n - 1)
    case _ => this
[info] Nonempty list
[info] - should drop nothing
[info] - should drop two items

if n > 0 in case Cons(_, tail) if n > 0 => tail.drop(n - 1) is so-called guard. The case will be evaluated only when this list will match it and also when its head will meet the condition.

The other case when you want to drop items from a list while they met some predicate. For this purpose implement the dropWhile method on a list.

"Empty list" should "drop nothing by predicate" in {
    emptyList.dropWhile(i => i == 10).toString shouldBe "[]"
value dropWhile is not a member of PersistentList
[error]         emptyList.dropWhile(i => i == 10).toString shouldBe "[]"

The simplest fix for the simplest test.

def dropWhile(predicate: Int => Boolean): PersistentList = Empty

We are going the same way as with drop method; first, return Empty and then this.

To implement drop and dropWhile methods I am using so called triangulation technique.

  • First, I wrote the obvious implementation;
  • Second, I fake an implementation by this;
  • Third, write a real implementation.
"Nonempty list" should "drop nothing by predicate" in {
    nonemptyList.dropWhile(i => i > 40).toString shouldBe "[30, 20, 10]"
[info] Nonempty list
[info] - should drop nothing by predicate *** FAILED ***
[info]   "[[]]" was not equal to "[[30, 20, 10]]" (PersistentListTest.scala:71)
def dropWhile(predicate: Int => Boolean): PersistentList = this

The third case more realistic than two previous.

it should "drop two items by predicate" in {
    nonemptyList.dropWhile(i => i > 10).toString shouldBe "[10]"
[info] Nonempty list
[info] - should drop nothing by predicate
[info] - should drop two items by predicate *** FAILED ***
[info]   "[[30, 20, ]10]" was not equal to "[[]10]" (PersistentListTest.scala:75)

The “real” implementation of dropWhile is very similar to drop. Lets have a look now at how dropWhile behaves. We need to call dropWhile on the list tail until its head meets the predicate.

|  head  |           tail          |      |  head  |      tail     |    |  head  |  tail |
+--------+--------+--------+-------+     +--------+--------+-------+    +--------+-------+
|   30   |   20   |   10   | empty |  => |   20   |   10   | empty | => |   10   | empty |
+--------+--------+--------+-------+     +--------+--------+-------+    +--------+-------+
 30 > 10                                   20 > 10                        10 > 10
  true                                      true                           false

Thus, the implementation is

def dropWhile(predicate: Int => Boolean): PersistentList = this match {
    case Cons(head, tail) if predicate(head) => tail.dropWhile(predicate)
    case _ => this
[info] Nonempty list
[info] - should drop nothing by predicate
[info] - should drop two items by predicate

Some of you may notice that both drop and dropWhile are tail recursive functions. Why? Because one of the execution branches, exactly case Cons(_, _) if <cond>, has function call of itself in the last execution step.

If you mark those methods with @tailrec, do not forget to make it final the other way compiler would not be happy.

Take your items to another list

One more useful functionality is when you can take the first items from the list by specified number or by a predicate. The strategy will be the same as with drop and dropWhile, that’s why I put the code and standard output without any comments until the “real” implementation.

"it" should "take nothing from empty list" in {
    emptyList.take(10).toString shouldBe "[]"
value take is not a member of PersistentList
[error]         emptyList.take(10).toString shouldBe "[]"
def take(n: Int): PersistentList = Empty
[info] it
[info] - should take nothing from empty list
it should "take nothing from nonempty list" in {
    nonemptyList.take(0).toString shouldBe "[]"
    nonemptyList.take(-1).toString shouldBe "[]"
[info] it
[info] - should take nothing from empty list
[info] - should take nothing from nonempty list
it should "take two first items from nonempty list" in {
    nonemptyList.take(2).toString shouldBe "[30, 20]"
[info] it
[info] - should take nothing from empty list
[info] - should take nothing from nonempty list
[info] - should take two first items from nonempty list *** FAILED ***
[info]   "[[]]" was not equal to "[[30, 20]]" (PersistentListTest.scala:88)
def take(n: Int): PersistentList = this match {
    case Cons(head, tail) if n > 0 => head :: (tail.take(n - 1))
    case _ => Empty
[info] it
[info] - should take nothing from empty list
[info] - should take nothing from nonempty list
[info] - should take two first items from nonempty list

take is very similar to drop except that we return Empty when n reaches 0 and prepend head to a new list

|  head  |           tail          |      |  head  |      tail      |    |  head  |  tail |
+--------+--------+--------+-------+      +--------+--------+-------+    +--------+-------+
|   30   |   20   |   10   | empty |  =>  |   20   |   10   | empty | => |   10   | empty |
+--------+--------+--------+-------+      +--------+--------+-------+    +--------+-------+
    V                                          V
+--------+                       +--------+--------+                     +--------+--------+--------+
|   30   |                       |   30   |   20   |                     |   30   |   20   | empty  |
+--------+                       +--------+--------+                     +--------+--------+--------+
  n == 2                                    n == 1                         n == 0
it should "take nothing from empty list by predicate" in {
    emptyList.takeWhile(i => i > 10).toString shouldBe "[]"
alue takeWhile is not a member of PersistentList
[error]         emptyList.takeWhile(i => i > 10).toString shouldBe "[]"
def takeWhile(predicate: Int => Boolean): PersistentList = Empty
[info] it
[info] - should take nothing from empty list
[info] - should take nothing from nonempty list
[info] - should take two first items from nonempty list
[info] - should take nothing from empty list by predicate
it should "take nothing from nonempty list by predicate" in {
    nonemptyList.takeWhile(i => i > 50).toString shouldBe "[]"
[info] it
[info] - should take nothing from empty list
[info] - should take nothing from nonempty list
[info] - should take two first items from nonempty list
[info] - should take nothing from empty list by predicate
[info] - should take nothing from nonempty list by predicate
it should "take two items from nonempty list by predicate" in {
    nonemptyList.takeWhile(i => i > 10).toString shouldBe "[30, 20]"
[info] it
[info] - should take nothing from empty list
[info] - should take nothing from nonempty list
[info] - should take two first items from nonempty list
[info] - should take nothing from empty list by predicate
[info] - should take nothing from nonempty list by predicate
[info] - should take two items from nonempty list by predicate *** FAILED ***
[info]   "[[]]" was not equal to "[[30, 20]]" (PersistentListTest.scala:100)
def takeWhile(predicate: Int => Boolean): PersistentList = this match {
    case Cons(head, tail) if predicate(head) => head :: (tail.takeWhile(predicate))
    case _ => Empty
[info] it
[info] - should take nothing from empty list
[info] - should take nothing from nonempty list
[info] - should take two first items from nonempty list
[info] - should take nothing from empty list by predicate
[info] - should take nothing from nonempty list by predicate
[info] - should take two items from nonempty list by predicate

takeWhile is very similar to dropWhile except that we return Empty while head meets predicate and prepend head to a new list

|  head  |           tail          |      |  head  |      tail      |    |  head  |  tail |
+--------+--------+--------+-------+      +--------+--------+-------+    +--------+-------+
|   30   |   20   |   10   | empty |  =>  |   20   |   10   | empty | => |   10   | empty |
+--------+--------+--------+-------+      +--------+--------+-------+    +--------+-------+
    V                                          V
+--------+                       +--------+--------+                     +--------+--------+--------+
|   30   |                       |   30   |   20   |                     |   30   |   20   | empty  |
+--------+                       +--------+--------+                     +--------+--------+--------+
 30 > 10                                    20 > 10                       10 > 10

Map over items

Let’s try map content of our PersistentList which is Ints to Doubles

it should "map content to Doubles" in { shouldBe "[30.0, 20.0, 10.0]"
value map is not a member of PersistentList
[error] shouldBe "[30.0, 20.0, 10.0]"
def map(mapper: Int => Double): PersistentList = Empty

Till now, we are implementing PersistentList that can hold only Ints, but for implementing map method we need to generalize our list.

sealed trait PersistentList[E] {
    import PersistentList._
    import scala.annotation.tailrec

    def ::(item: E): PersistentList[E] = Cons(item, this)

    def head: Option[E] = this match {
        case Cons(head, _) => Some(head)
        case _ => None

    def tail: PersistentList[E] = this match {
        case Cons(_, tail) => tail
        case _ => Empty()

    def ++(other: PersistentList[E]): PersistentList[E] = this match {
        case Cons(head, tail) => head :: (tail ++ other)
        case Empty() => other

    def drop(n: Int): PersistentList[E] = this match {
        case Cons(_, tail) if n > 0 => tail.drop(n - 1)
        case _ => this

    def dropWhile(predicate: E => Boolean): PersistentList[E] = this match {
        case Cons(head, tail) if predicate(head) => tail.dropWhile(predicate)
        case _ => this

    def take(n: Int): PersistentList[E] = this match {
        case Cons(head, tail) if n > 0 => head :: (tail.take(n - 1))
        case _ => Empty()

    def takeWhile(predicate: E => Boolean): PersistentList[E] = this match {
        case Cons(head, tail) if predicate(head) => head :: (tail.takeWhile(predicate))
        case _ => Empty()

    def map[A](mapper: E => A): PersistentList[A] = Empty()

    override def toString(): String = {
        def loop(builder: StringBuilder, list: PersistentList[E]): String = {
            list match {
                case Cons(head, tail) =>
                    if (builder.nonEmpty) builder.append(", ")
                    loop(builder.append(head), tail)
                case Empty() => builder.toString

        "[" + loop(new StringBuilder(), this) + "]"

object PersistentList {
    def apply[E](): PersistentList[E] = Empty()

    private case class Empty[E]() extends PersistentList[E]

    private case class Cons[E](item: E, next: PersistentList[E]) extends PersistentList[E]

Now we can implement map method. What we need here is that create a new list that will contain mapped items of the current list. Thus, we call Cons with mapper(head) and parameters.

|  head  |           tail          |               |  head  |      tail      |                      |  head  |  tail |
+--------+--------+--------+-------+      +--------+--------+--------+-------+    +--------+--------+--------+-------+    +--------+--------+--------+-------+
|   30   |   20   |   10   | empty |  =>  |   30   |   20   |   10   | empty | => |   30   |   20   |   10   | empty | => |   30   |   20   |   10   | empty |
+--------+--------+--------+-------+      +--------+--------+--------+-------+    +--------+--------+--------+-------+    +--------+--------+--------+-------+
 maps to                                            maps to                                          maps to                                          maps to
+--------+                                +--------+--------+                     +--------+--------+--------+            +--------+--------+--------+-------+
|  30.0  |                                |  30.0  |  20.0  |                     |  30.0  |  20.0  |  10.0  |            |  30.0  |  20.0  |  10.0  | empty |
+--------+                                +--------+--------+                     +--------+--------+--------+            +--------+--------+--------+-------+
def map[A](mapper: E => A): PersistentList[A] = this match {
    case Cons(head, tail) => Cons(mapper(head),
    case _ => Empty()
[info] it
[info] - should take nothing from empty list
[info] - should take nothing from nonempty list
[info] - should take two first items from nonempty list
[info] - should take nothing from empty list by predicate
[info] - should take nothing from nonempty list by predicate
[info] - should take two items from nonempty list by predicate
[info] - should map content to Doubles

Better generalization

In previous part we make our list general for all types of item and change Empty from object to class and, therefore, we need instantiate it for each list in our programs. However, we can do better. Let have an example what we can improve:

class Number
class Integer(i: Int) extends Number
class FloatNumber(f: Float) extends Number

val numbers: PersistentList[Number] = PersistentList[Number]() //ok
val ints: PersistentList[Number] = PersistentList[Integer]() //compile time error
val integers: PersistentList[Integer] = PersistentList[Integer]() //ok
new FolatNumber(10.0) :: integers //compile time error
number ++ integes //compile time error

To fix these compilation errors we need to make our PersistentList covariant by type E adding + in the type definition of PersistentList[+E]

sealed trait PersistentList[+E] {
covariant type E occurs in contravariant position in type E of value item
[error]     def ::(item: E): PersistentList[E] = Cons(item, this)
covariant type E occurs in contravariant position in type PersistentList[E] of value other
[error]     def ++(other: PersistentList[E]): PersistentList[E] = this match {

Making E type parameter covariant we break some our code. To make compiler happy we have to do so called flip, we need to introduce one more type parameter for :: and ++ methods that will be contravariant

def ::[A >: E](item: A): PersistentList[A] = Cons(item, this)
def ++[A >: E](other: PersistentList[A]): PersistentList[A] = this match {
    case Cons(head, tail) => head :: (tail ++ other)
    case Empty() => other

And now we can make Empty an object again.

private case object Empty extends PersistentList[Nothing]

Generics is one of the hardest topics to understand in static compiled languages. However, you don’t need to have a thorough understanding of it; remember the two rules:

  • returned value must be covariant
  • parameters must be contravariant

You may ask if returned value must be covariant then why we return PersistentList[A] in :: if A is contravariant. The answer is that compiler must ensure that no one can use properties or methods of E type on the head of the returned list which type is A.

The final code


sealed trait PersistentList[+E] {
    import PersistentList._
    import scala.annotation.tailrec

    def ::[A >: E](item: A): PersistentList[A] = Cons(item, this)

    def head: Option[E] = this match {
        case Cons(head, _) => Some(head)
        case _ => None

    def tail: PersistentList[E] = this match {
        case Cons(_, tail) => tail
        case _ => Empty

    def ++[A >: E](other: PersistentList[A]): PersistentList[A] = this match {
        case Cons(head, tail) => head :: (tail ++ other)
        case Empty => other

    def drop(n: Int): PersistentList[E] = this match {
        case Cons(_, tail) if n > 0 => tail.drop(n - 1)
        case _ => this

    def dropWhile(predicate: E => Boolean): PersistentList[E] = this match {
        case Cons(head, tail) if predicate(head) => tail.dropWhile(predicate)
        case _ => this

    def take(n: Int): PersistentList[E] = this match {
        case Cons(head, tail) if n > 0 => head :: (tail.take(n - 1))
        case _ => Empty

    def takeWhile(predicate: E => Boolean): PersistentList[E] = this match {
        case Cons(head, tail) if predicate(head) => head :: (tail.takeWhile(predicate))
        case _ => Empty

    def map[A](mapper: E => A): PersistentList[A] = this match {
        case Cons(head, tail) => Cons(mapper(head),
        case _ => Empty

    override def toString(): String = {
        def loop(builder: StringBuilder, list: PersistentList[E]): String = list match {
            case Cons(head, tail) => 
                if (builder.nonEmpty) builder.append(", ")
                loop(builder.append(head), tail)
            case Empty => builder.toString

        "[" + loop(new StringBuilder(), this) + "]"

object PersistentList {
    def apply[E](): PersistentList[E] = Empty

    private case object Empty extends PersistentList[Nothing]

    private case class Cons[E](item: E, next: PersistentList[E]) extends PersistentList[E]


import org.scalatest.{FlatSpec, Matchers}

class PersistentListTest extends FlatSpec with Matchers {

    val emptyList: PersistentList[Int] = PersistentList[Int]();
    val nonemptyList: PersistentList[Int] = 30 :: 20 :: 10 :: emptyList

    it should "creat an empty list" in {
        emptyList.toString() shouldBe "[]"

    it should "prepend an item to a list" in {
        (10 :: emptyList).toString() shouldBe "[10]"

    it should "prepend many items to a list" in {
        nonemptyList.toString() shouldBe "[30, 20, 10]"

    "None" should "be head of empty list" in {
        emptyList.head shouldBe None

    "Some(30)" should "be head of nonempty list" in {
        nonemptyList.head shouldBe Some(30)

    "tail of nonempty list" should "contain all items except the first one" in {
        nonemptyList.tail.toString shouldBe "[20, 10]"

    "tail of empty list" should "be the empty list" in {
        emptyList.tail.toString shouldBe "[]"

    "Result list" should "be an empty list when two empty lists are concatenated" in {
        (emptyList ++ emptyList).toString shouldBe "[]"

    it should "be the nonempty list when nonempty and empty list are concatenated" in {
        (nonemptyList ++ emptyList).toString shouldBe "[30, 20, 10]"
        (emptyList ++ nonemptyList).toString shouldBe "[30, 20, 10]"

    it should "contain items of both nonempty lists" in {
        val listOne = 30 :: 20 :: 10 :: emptyList
        val listTwo = 60 :: 50 :: 40 :: emptyList

        (listOne ++ listTwo).toString shouldBe "[30, 20, 10, 60, 50, 40]"
        (listTwo ++ listOne).toString shouldBe "[60, 50, 40, 30, 20, 10]"

    "Empty list" should "drop nothing" in {
        emptyList.drop(10).toString shouldBe "[]"

    "Nonempty list" should "drop nothing" in {
        nonemptyList.drop(0).toString shouldBe "[30, 20, 10]"
        nonemptyList.drop(-1).toString shouldBe "[30, 20, 10]"

    it should "drop two items" in {
        nonemptyList.drop(2).toString shouldBe "[10]"

    "Empty list" should "drop nothing by predicate" in {
        emptyList.dropWhile(i => i == 10).toString shouldBe "[]"

    "Nonempty list" should "drop nothing by predicate" in {
        nonemptyList.dropWhile(i => i > 40).toString shouldBe "[30, 20, 10]"

    it should "drop two items by predicate" in {
        nonemptyList.dropWhile(i => i > 10).toString shouldBe "[10]"

    "it" should "take nothing from empty list" in {
        emptyList.take(10).toString shouldBe "[]"

    it should "take nothing from nonempty list" in {
        nonemptyList.take(0).toString shouldBe "[]"
        nonemptyList.take(-1).toString shouldBe "[]"

    it should "take two first items from nonempty list" in {
        nonemptyList.take(2).toString shouldBe "[30, 20]"

    it should "take nothing from empty list by predicate" in {
        emptyList.takeWhile(i => i > 10).toString shouldBe "[]"

    it should "take nothing from nonempty list by predicate" in {
        nonemptyList.takeWhile(i => i > 50).toString shouldBe "[]"

    it should "take two items from nonempty list by predicate" in {
        nonemptyList.takeWhile(i => i > 10).toString shouldBe "[30, 20]"

    it should "map content to Doubles" in { shouldBe "[30.0, 20.0, 10.0]"

Wrap up

It turns out that the article is much longer than I expected it will be from the beginning. I hope that you find the article as a good example how to program functionally; especially if you are a beginner in this journey. Nevertheless, I haven’t cover lots of other useful method on the list, such as:

 * Return `true` if `predicate` holds at least for one item in the list
def exists(predicate: E => Boolean): Boolean
 * Return `true` if `predicate` holds for each item in the list
def forall(predicate: E => Boolean): Boolean
 * Return a reversed list to the current
def reverse: PersistentList[E]
 * Return a list that contains items that met `predicate`
def filter()(predicate: E => Boolean): PersistentList[E]
 * First each item should be mapped to a list and then all the lists should be flatten to resulted list
def flatMap[A]()(map: E => PersistentList[A]): PersistentList[A]
 * Iterates over the list from left to right and folds its items in accumulator using `func`
def foldLeft[A](acc: A)(func: (E, A) => A): A
 * Iterates over the list from right to left and folds its items in accumulator using `func`
def foldRight[A](acc: A)(func: (A, E) => A): A

These methods you may implement as exercises to practice functional programming style.